Monday, September 2, 2013

Weight loss - the naked truth

Weight loss is never easy and that is the "naked truth." I use the term "Naked" a lot you will notice. There is an honesty to that which is rarely really understood. Certainly it means without clothing. If we realize that clothing hides our true self - our real appearance - then "naked" becomes the truth, nothing to hide behind, just nothing but the "bare" facts.

So - when I first started to model for art schools I was heavier than I wanted to be and more than I had been in a long time. Yet here I was prepared to bare all to make a few bucks in a part time job. That first class scared me right into a gym within a week. Why? you may ask, and the answer is, "the belly." Middle age men start getting the beer belly even if you don't drink beer and as a former long distance runner I was not use to that. During and after the class I got to see the drawings students were doing of me and holy cow batman, where did that belly come from. I joined a gym and started working out and running again, (mind you I was 62 at the time). Let me tell you the amount of exercise needed to loose 20 lbs at any age let alone a slow metabolism 62 year old seems to be about the same effort the space shuttle needs to clear a launch pad. Vanity would be the primary reason of course but certainly not the important one. When you loose weight you feel better, you walk easier , climb stairs easier, sing and dance easier and just plane wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
I may suggest if you have been considering your weight that you try it my way first - ask to be a model at an art class and strip to nothing while strangers examine your body and then draw what they see -- or you could just stand naked in front of a mirror if that first thought scares you. The mirror will not forgive the truth for you to see and there is your motivation my friends.

If you're not an exercise nut or evenly remotely considering the task at hand, take a little advice- don't go jogging or riding a bike or working out on machines at a gym. You won't like it and you can get hurt which is worse -- just start slowly with evaluating your food intake - reduce it a bit at a time and go for a 30 minute walk every day. Try working your walks up to an hour with a slightly elevated heart rate and I promise you - the weight will come off.

The picture you see here is me in Vietnam in 1967 and it reminds me of what skinny was really like and how I will probably never be there again -- but I can have a goal and keep looking at the picture to stay motivated. Good luck. Stay naked.

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